Thursday 8 September 2011

Get Rid of That ADD/ADHD Once and For All!

Hi Hello! Do you suffer from ADD/ADHD or learning disorder or any such coping up difficulties. Then just continue reading…
Some children with ADD/ADHD are hyperactive, but many others with attention problems are not. They may appear to be spacey and unmotivated. Kids with ADD/ADHD can never pay attention, but are often able to concentrate on activities they enjoy. Children with ADHD are more likely to have a parent with ADHD.
Children with ADHD are the most disliked youngsters in any crowd more so than children with depression, autism, or delinquent problems. Peer rejection is the best predictor in young children of later problems in school, including dropout and mental health problems. If ADHD children are the least liked and most rejected, “then it’s no wonder that ADHD doesn’t go away with puberty.
Effects of adult ADD/ADHD: If you are just discovering you have adult ADD/ADHD, chances are you suffered over the years with unrecognized problem. People may have labeled you lazy, stupid, because of your forgetfulness or difficulty completing tasks, and you may have begun to think of yourself in these negative terms as well. These difficulties can continue as time passes by, particularly if you do not help yourself right now.
ADD/ADHD that is unattended can cause problems in virtually every area of your life. People with ADHD are at increased risk for eating disorders. They stand a substantially greater risk of developing eating disorders in adolescence. Adolescent girls with ADHD frequently develop body-image dissatisfaction and may go through repeating cycles of binge eating and purging behaviors that are common in bulimia nervosa.
Positive side of ADD/ADHD: People with ADHD are very creative people. They are good at thinking about new and exciting things, and sometimes come up with new inventions. Experts believe that Thomas Edison had ADHD, who is one of the greatest inventors of all time. Many famous writers, artists, actors, and musicians also had ADHD, which helped them to be more creative. Some of your favorite musicians, actors, and sports stars probably have ADHD too, but just that they were successful in camouflaging themselves into normal people. The best known athlete with ADHD is Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps. Many kids and adults with ADHD have lots of energy and are fun to be with. They like to try new and exciting things. Many people are good at thinking fast and have a very good sense of humor. They are more creative than their healthy peers - adult ADHD sufferers are more creative.
So come to the positive side and use it. It is unwise to expect different results when we continue to do the same things. When we start thinking differently, then we will see Great Things happening.
Ephesians 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.

First Peter 2:24b says,
“By whose stripes ye were healed” (emphasis mine).

It’s already a done deal. It is actually incorrect to pray for healing. Instead, we should just receive the healing that the Lord has already provided. There is a difference between fighting to get healed and fighting because we have been healed. That difference is the difference between success and failure.

In Ephesians 2:8, Paul said, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves.
We aren’t saved by grace alone or by faith alone; we are saved by a combination of the two. Actually, faith isn’t true biblical faith unless it’s used in receiving what God has already provided by grace.
Grace is what God has already done for us, independent of any worth or value on our part. If it’s tied to some goodness of ours, then it’s not true grace. God, by grace, has already provided everything we will ever need.

Our faith doesn’t move God. If God hasn’t already moved by His grace, then your faith can’t make Him. Faith simply appropriates what God has already provided by grace. If He’s already provided your needs by His grace, then faith is just your positive response to what He has already done—not something you do to get God to respond to you.

It takes a revelation from the Holy Spirit to make these truths become alive on the inside. Many people just can’t grasp them, because they are trapped in their five senses. If they can’t see it, taste it, smell it, touch it, or hear it, they don’t think it exists. Therefore, when you say they have already been healed, they check their physical bodies with their five senses, and if they don’t look or feel healed, they say they aren’t.

Many things exist that we can’t perceive by our physical senses. For instance, there are television signals wherever you are right now. You can’t see or hear them, but they are there. All you have to do is turn on a television set and tune it in to the signal, and then you will see and hear that they do exist.

The signal doesn’t begin broadcasting when you turn on your set; it was already being broadcast before you tuned in. That’s just when you began to receive. Likewise, the Lord has already blessed you with ALL things. Your life may not reflect that, but it’s not because the Lord hasn’t given; it’s because you haven’t received.
If your television set was to suddenly go blank, what would you do? Would you immediately contact the station and urge them to fix their transmitter? I don’t think so. You would check your set first. Yet in the spiritual realm, Christians are constantly going to the Lord and asking Him to fix His transmitter instead of asking Him to work on their receivers.

If they don’t see an instant manifestation of their healing, they just automatically suppose that God hasn’t healed them. They seldom take into account that maybe it’s their reception that’s the problem.

God wasn’t the variable in any instance! He answers all prayers instantly, but what the Lord had commanded in the spiritual realm, it was hindered from manifesting in the physical realm. Still, the answer had been given. The truth is that the Lord has already provided everything we will ever need, but His provision is in the spiritual realm.
“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John ).

God moves in the spiritual realm. Whether or not we see this manifest in the physical realm, what He has done in the spiritual realm is not dependent on His giving but on our receiving.

One of the variables is the devil’s opposition. However, people give the devil way too much credit. Some think that the devil never misses a trick. They aren’t sure about the Lord’s faithfulness, but they are absolutely convinced that the devil is always there to wreak havoc.

However, the devil blows it all the time. Sometimes the physical manifestation of what God has already done comes with little effort. Other times it can be delayed, not because God changes, but because the devil just misses it sometimes. Other times, there is major demonic opposition that hinders the manifestation of what God has commanded.

We have to know that God has already done His part and that any delay in our manifestation is not His fault. That will keep us in faith. Remember that faith is our positive response to what God has already done by grace.

This leads us to spiritual warfare. It’s a hot topic in the body of Christ, but in my opinion, spiritual warfare is the most abused teaching in the church today. It’s true that every one of us is involved in spiritual warfare. Denying the battle doesn’t stop it—it just guarantees that you will lose. But Satan’s only power is deception.
Satan doesn’t have any physical power or authority except what we give him when we yield to his lies. That’s a radical statement that is completely contrary to popular spiritual warfare teachings. Many proclaim that demonic powers are holding people in bondage and that the way to break through is to intercede, bind those powers, and set the people free. That’s not what God’s Word teaches.

The Bible says,
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John ).
Knowing the truth, not binding the devil in prayer, is what sets people free. The truth is You’ve Already Got It!

If you aren’t experiencing the abundance that you know the Lord wants you to have, then I can guarantee you that the revelation you need is You’ve Already Got It! This is the type of teaching that you will want and need to read or listen to again and again until it becomes true revelation knowledge to you.

This message will forever change the way you think about receiving the blessings of God. It’s the knowledge of this truth that will set you free to receive from God.

All these are truths from the Bible as taught by Andrew Wommack. Visit him at

As taught by him, the truth should sink into your subconscious mind completely to get this perfect manifestation of His power. In order to achieve this, I would like to offer some help with this – MindMaster. Try it out. I am 100% sure it will work.

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