Tuesday 15 May 2012

Gold - Greed

Gold - Karatbars International: "The greed for gold was also the reason for wars, looting and conquest. Gold discoveries in Central and South America attracted by the journeys of Christopher Columbus, European and especially Spanish explorers, the gold galleons brought in to Europe. Spain has been a while for the richest nation in Europe, but the indigenous cultures were destroyed.

Again and again attracted large crowds of adventurers finds gold at. In the 19th Century, it came on different continents to Gold Rush-called mass movements in the areas of major gold deposits, examples are the Californian gold rush in 1849 and the Gold Rush of 1897 on the Klondike River in Alaska. Even in Australia (Bathurst, Temora, Teetulpa and Coolgardie) and South Africa (Witwatersrand), there was the gold rush. Hardly any of the gold seekers, however, was rich by mining gold mining or gold panning.

Even today, the fluctuating price of gold often leads to social turmoil: How does a falling gold price in South Africa to a strong depletion of the population living part of the gold production. In the Brazilian Amazon region, the informal gold mining by garimpeiros is often associated with serious social and ecological consequences.

(Source: Wikipedia)"

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