Tuesday 15 May 2012

Gold - International Currency

Gold - Karatbars International: "Gold is one of the first metals to be processed by humans.
With its striking bright yellow color, it was dignified, so as an element found in nature, could work very well mechanically and not corroded. Because of the durability of its splendor, its rarity and severity of incident, it was very popular and has been used in many cultures, especially for ritual objects.

The gold recovery probably began in the Bronze Age. The lightweight alloyed with many metals, the melting temperatures moderate and the favorable properties of the alloys made ??gold as a material very attractive.

In 4500 BC, the dates in the Bulgarian Varna 1972 discovered gold finds. In Central Europe can be detected gold objects from the second millennium BC. Famous examples are the gold in the golden hat Schifferstadt and in the sky disc of Nebra."

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