Tuesday 15 May 2012

Gold - History

Gold - Karatbars International: "The Egyptians exploited deposits in Upper Egypt and Nubia. The Romans used sites in Asia Minor, Spain, Romania and Germany.
The earliest documentation represents the vast seafaring Greek Argonauts to Colchis for Golden Fleece dar.

In the Torah of the golden calf is told that produced the Israelites as idol while Moses received the Ten Commandments, and the gold land of Ophir. The New Testament mentions gold (in addition frankincense and myrrh) as an homage to the gifts of the Magi from the East to the newborn Jesus (see Matthew's Gospel, chapter 2, verse 11).

Also in South America and Mesoamerica was processed very early gold. For example, the Moche dominated Peru in the early first millennium, the alloy formation (Tumbago) and the gilding and produced objects for ritual purposes from several kilograms of gold.

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